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Experience God's beauty in nature

Perhaps it's a no-brainer to all of us, but rather than begin the Bible explaining HIS perspective, what it is like for God to BE God, exist as the ONE All-in-All Unity, God begins the Bible with the story of Creation. We could say that all of Creation is God's intimate Love Letter to us, his created beings, to whom he gave all the living creatures to name (Adam, the namer).

We know that God is all-knowing and all-sensing. We know that God exists forever and is complete in and of Himself. Given that this is the case, arguably he would have no need to make anything seemingly "external" to himself - by calling it into existence. Clearly creation implies Relationship. And Relationship is a Choice on God's part. So, we could say that God choosing to create us, create Life in all it's diversity, is an act of LOVE. Love in creating something to perceive, and love in creating someone to perceive that something.

Have we ever bothered to thank God for deciding to create Light? One of our dear sisters is a fabulous photographer, and I don't doubt that she thanks God every day for saying "Be there Light!". For without the interplay of light and shadow, variations of color, the world would not be the glorious Diverse Beauty which we encounter all around us.

When we consider the interplay of living forms, the cycles of time, season, seeds germinating and becoming mature according to a faithful, in-built plan, how can we not infer loving intention in the beauty of Nature? As well, when we see the patient and rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides, the seasons of the year, the seasons of infancy, maturity and finally release from the "mortal coil" how can we not sense the hand of a loving Father at the heart of it?

And God saw what he created and said it was GOOD. (Gen. 1:1) Each of the 5 first days of the creative process, God sees and say it is Good.

Interestingly, God creates Man and Woman, and rather than say that "It is Good" he BLESSES them, and then sees that everything is "Very Good".

Let's thank God for creating Light! Let's thank God for creating the earth, the sky, the waters, and all created living Creatures. But above and beyond all of this, let's pour our hearts out in gratitude that He has given us Life, and His Blessing. Indeed, we are blessed, and indeed, His Love is "Very Good".

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